Saturday 7 September 2024

My old iPhone died this week


Hugging a tree - you know it makes sense.

Sometimes I become overwhelmed with emotion and perhaps this is not such a bad thing. I guess all of us feel sad at leaving things behind, people leaving us and the inexorable process of moving on. I find that writing words to describe feelings I barely understand helps me to come to terms with life, loss, ageing and death. 

Thankfully, I am not ill or depressed but accommodating a difficult two years on this planet in the best 'creative' way I know how! At the very worst I might get offered a job by Hallmark.

We’ve been to too many funerals lately

The very old and lovers share a secret.

Hands grasp as if lives depend upon the bond, 

holding expectations and memories secure.

Eyes meet and engage for far too long as if focus alone 

might, capture and hold frozen, a moment in space and time.

Ears do not hear and evidential proof is overwhelmed by preferences, 

established in life from birth and every subsequent moment of existence.

If we are lucky, we find at least one absolute love, which lasts forever.

So is there an end to you, me and time?

Are, just days conjoined with us and being here so very important?

When my body fails, as ultimately fail it must, I can only hope:

I am holding another human hand in shared experience and affection,

all my expectations and memories merge in a timeless wrapper of love

and that this is comfort enough for those I leave behind 

and will continue to love literally forever.

George Sept 2024

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