Friday 29 June 2012

The Nile and the Temple Complex at Dendera

The Nile
from Space

Toot and I are fascinated by the civilizations of the Ancient World and  have enjoyed two holidays in Egypt. Whilst we were staying in Luxor (Thebes) we visited: the 'Palace of Hatshepsut', the 'Valley of the Kings', the 'Valley of the Nobles', and the 'Temple of Khons at Karnak'. We also took a day cruise down the Nile to the 'Temple Complex at Dendera'. The 'Astronomical Ceiling' at Dendera is a great architectural feature and is a 'must see' if you are visiting the area.
The Astronomical or Zodiacal Ceiling (Wikipedia)
My painting of the Nile River Bank as seen from the Cruise Boat
Palace of Queen Hatshepsut (Wikipedia)
This view of the 'Palace' on the West Bank of the Nile appeared regularly at history of architecture lectures in first year studies at the Manchester University School of Architecture, which I attended in the years 1968 to 1974.  It was therefore, a real  thrill to clamber over this building when we visited Egypt for the first time in 1997.  It is said that Queen Hatshepsut fell in love with her architect, Senmut, and as a consequence, had his image painted on the inner-side of the door to her bed-chamber. It is thought that she wished to see his face first and last at sunrise and sunset.  In my thirty five years as an architect, I never had such an attentive client, well perhaps the lovely Toot!

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