Friday 8 June 2012


England would be a great place to live if it wasn't for the weather! Dawn on the morning of the 'Transit of Venus' should have been a clear, bright summer's morning but instead was a grey rain soaked affair. Sadly no chance of the glorious photos of Venus and the Sun appearing above the horizon "Rising from the North Sea" Botticelli like in sublime magnificence. Toot awoke at 4.30am, looked out the bedroom window at the torrential rain and decided to let me sleep on in the warmth of my bed! The weather has been so bad that today gale-forced winds up-rooted a tree in our back-garden. "Oh to be in England now that summers here"

Anyway, in May and in preparation for the transit, I practiced taking photos of the Sun and sun-spots using my old ETX RA90 with a homemade Baader white light filter and my Lumix compact camera. So here are the best of them. Waste not want not!

Enlarged view of a sunspot
The June 2012 Transit of Venus as imaged in Hydrogen Alpha light
courtesy of NASA

The Solar disk with sunspots

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