Tuesday 17 April 2018


'A chronometer with no moving parts travelling through space-time' -  3 dimensional Wood and Stone object in a composite 2 dimensional frame of reference - George Roberts 2018
The sculpture was constructed from Lowestoft Till boulder clay bearing the imprint of an ammonite, contemporary drift wood and 500,000 year old wood from the Cromer Forest Bed. All this stuff has travelled through space time for me to find and arrange.

Sunday 15 April 2018

The Persistence of Zebras

The Persistence of Zebras in a Cnidarian Sea - Mixed digital media- George Roberts - April 2018
Berlin Zoo and Aquarium are well worth an extended visit.  Last week, we stood and watched as cnidarians  pulsed and danced in a hypnotic waltz of blue and magenta but we all agreed that they were not as 'stripey' as zebras.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Monday 2 April 2018

Protoplanetary Disc

'Come together, right now, over me'. - mixed digital media- 2018- George Roberts