Tuesday 20 April 2021

Tory Troll Bridge


'Tory Troll Bridge' - digital media - George Roberts 2021
Noticed on social media that a 'lefty' had called a 'gammon' a 'Tory Troll'. This image just came to mind. All a bit Paganini whilst Rome continues to burn!

Saturday 10 April 2021

Derbyshire's last clog-fighter


'Freddy's Last Stand' - Digital mixed media - George Roberts inspired by Anna FC Smith's drawing

The Ballad of Freddy Hays


He stood on the playground in splendour,

The cock of the National School,

His infamy long gone before him,

In no way with him did you fool


He was short, he was broad, he was powerful, 

And his arms and his legs were like logs,

But oh what a joy when I noticed,

His feet were shod in black clogs


He could slide on the play ground in summer,

When of course there was no sign of ice,

And I longed for the day I could join him,

I would have to ask mum and be nice


I put my request to my mother,

It’s  clogs that I want mother dear,

They are common she said with a look of disdain,

Her statement made it quite clear


For eighty years past I have yearned for black clogs,

And to be like Freddy Hays,

For  he was the cock of the school my lads,

In those long gone halcyon days


Philip Utridge

Monday 5 April 2021

Easter Art Installation


Fantastic Easter art installation from her famous 'Yolklore Series of Works' by the much loved  'ova the moon' sculptor Kitty Roberts of Bushey.