Saturday 5 July 2014

Gin and the amateur astronomer

The Summer Moon through my binoculars
The weather this week has been strange to say the least; one minute sunny and hot, the next grey and overcast, the next torrential rain. What with the changeable weather and the sky remaining light until the early hours of the morning, I decided to give astrophotography a break and  left my telescope shut in its box.

Yesterday evening was so nice that Toot and I decided to eat our supper in the garden.  Toot, ably assisted by our mutual friend Herr Lidl, provided a magnificent meal which was washed down with some Pinot Grigio and a glass or two of Mr Gordon's finest gin.

Toot's Fritto Misto fishy loveliness

Repleat and laying  back in my garden chair I noticed the crescent moon shining wan against an azure blue sky.

"What a wonderful photo-opportunity?" slurred I.

Alcohol and astrophotography are not easy bedfellows, so the above image of the moon owes more to luck than skill.

In my over tonicked state I decided the best methodology would involve pointing my rather expensive binoculars at the moon and taking a photo by holding my compact camera at the eyepiece.  All good and well but at this stage I went a bit off road by deciding not to bother with a tripod.  Instead, I would rock back on my chair, put my feet on our garden table and balance my binoculars on my knees.  I reckon Galileo might have approved, though I'm not so sure about my orthopaedic surgeon.

Anyway, it all turned out for the best, I managed to get my photograph, I didn't drop anything expensive and after we washed up the crockery, Toot and I sat down to watch an episode of Wallander on the TV. It's nice to finish off the day with a bit of bleak Swedish noir.  For heaven's sake cheer up Henning!

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