Tuesday 10 September 2013

'Mutton' The profoundly deaf Sheep's Grand European Tour - Days 7 and 8

The sheep arriving at Vienna Meidling Railway Station.

The journey from Berlin to Vienna by train was good and after a bit of a scare on the 'fold front' suitable accommodation for a respectable lamb was found and secured.  In Mutton's own bleats " I'm not that kind of sheep"

Mutton awoke on Day Eight to find the sun shining on a beautiful and historic city.

Meeting up with friends made the sheep's morning and an informal walking tour of the city was soon undertaken.

A visit to the Belvedere Museum was the treat of the day and the sheep really enjoyed the paintings, sculptures and architecture.  She also met an official person who told her friends they could not take photographs as this would be akin to theft of the nation's treasures.  Mutton was very confused. She had been led to believe that artists created art for everyone: but then she is only a pocket sheep.

The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
courtesy of Wikipedia

Compendium of Vienna Images

Tomorrow Mutton is going to a concert with his friend Norman.  How good is that?

The sheep looking for something
 in wool to wear to the concert

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