Thursday 19 September 2013

'Mutton' The profoundly deaf Sheep's Grand European Tour - Day 15

Postcards from Venice
The sheep had a very good but long day in Venice.  Lunch was a very pleasant and affordable surprise at a Trattoria by a side canal near the 'Jewish Ghetto'.  A little lobster, pasta, grilled vegetables and pizza with anchovies, mozzarella, tomatoes and rosemary flavoured olive oil, bread sticks, red wine and coffee......Delicious!........

Mutton visited a number of islands on the Veneto, travelling between them on  the vaporetto. The lamb was quite excited to visit the Church San Giorgio Maggiore designed by the sublime Italian  architect Andrea Palladio.

In the unheard words of the sheep "Architecture doesn't come better than this"!

Venice is wonderful at night and last night was memorable for its big full moon.  Watching moonlight sparkle on the lagoon was quite magical.

Mutton attended a Vivaldi concert in the Grand Scuola but was a bit perplexed by the musicians.  They appeared to be playing all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order.  As it was getting late and as the lamb needed to hit the hay, she left early.

When the Moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie it's amore
After spending Day 16 resting on the beach, the lamb will head for the hills on Day 17. Bye-bye Italy, hello Switzerland!

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